Love the Oceans is a non-profit marine conservation organisation working in Guinjata Bay, Mozambique since 2014. Guinjata Bay, whilst home to a huge host of marine life, has never been studied in depth for any prolonged amount of time. Love The Oceans hopes to protect and study the diverse marine life found here, including many […]
films - oceans Archives - Human Aquarium
On the Twelth Day of Christmas…
We bring you sharks and this amazing video from Joe Romeiro. Here he shows, contrary to popular ideas about sharks, they can be in fact beautiful and gentle. About two minutes in watch the shark handler/ diver show his ‘shark-whispering’ quality as he really connects with one shark. It is stunning. A few facts about […]
On the Eleventh Day of Christmas
Meet one of the Giants of the animal of mystery and of whom we know almost nothing!
On the Tenth Day of Christmas….
No Lords a Leaping but another kind of beautiful dancer… The octopus is a mollusc that has 3 hearts, 8 arms, and can open a child proof pill bottle ( that still causes me some problems). The octopus also has the incredible ability to change the colour of its entire body in just three-tenths of […]
On the ninth day of Christmas…
More about Cetaceans… First a photographer who dives with orcas.Then an animation explaining how intelligent dolphins are.
On the Eighth Day of Christmas…
On the first day of the New Year, we are thinking about new beginnings… Rebuilding a coral reef that can survive climate change…
On the Seventh day of Christmas…
On the Sixth Day of Christmas…
Three videos from the Oceanic Preservation Society : ILLUminations, Projecting Change and Racing Extinction. More about OPS here. “We need to highjack the worlds attention. When we are talking about losing all of nature, its not a spectator sport anymore. If you can reach people, you can change them.”
On the fourth day of Christmas…
We bring you Plankton – a plethora of creatures that play key roles in our oceans. Without them the oceans would be a barren wasteland and the marine ecosystem would collapse. Here are two films to tell you a bit more…
On the Second Day there were Giant Turtles…
Ah yes no turtle doves in this post but instead Giant Turtles. An estimated 110 million years is how long sea turtles have existed on Earth, which means they once shared the planet with T-Rex and other dinosaurs. They can also hold their breath for 5 hours. To accomplish this mighty feat they slow their […]