green Archives - Human Aquarium

Spotlight on Marjora Carter

By Humanadmin

Marjora Carter started work in her neighbourhood and is now a leader in the world of sustainable business

Forging Ahead in Recycling

By Humanadmin

A huge thank you to Forge recycling who sponsored our launch and came down to tell people all about recycling. here is more about their brilliant coffee cup recycling scheme…

Spotlight on Enrique Penlarosa…

By Humanadmin

Excerpt from Project to Public Spaces article. Enrique Penalosa public official, economist, and administrator, Enrique Peñalosa completed his three-year term as Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia on December 31, 2000. While mayor, Peñalosa was responsible for numerous and radical improvements to the city and its citizens. He promoted a city model giving priority to children and […]

Reframing Environmentalism

By Humanadmin

A short film to reframe environmentalism: the importance of including all voices in the conversation; the need to look at people as well as things, the fundamental links between Social and Environmental justice. (This film was made by Environmentalists of Color Collective at UCLA.) Other Useful Links about Intersectional Environmentalism: Nature For All Environmentalists of Colour Network […]

Spotlight on Dr Vandana Shiva

By Humanadmin

Activist, feminist, writer ( soil not oil) speaks on environmentalism for the rights of mother earth. What is our role on this beautiful earth? We lend support to the system by not breaking away from the Age of Oil/Fossil Fuels built on the foundation of the Age of Colonialism. Oil means War.


By Humanadmin

If you’re looking for inspiration on things you can do that are good for you and the environment, you’ve come to the right place. Hubbub are a charity that create environmental campaigns with a difference. They design positive and  playful campaigns that inspire people to make healthier, greener lifestyle choices, which more often than not […]

Spotlight on MaVynne Betsch…

By Humanadmin

MaVynne Betsch – Singer, environmentalist, activist and survivor was born on January 13, 1935 in Jacksonville, Florida. “When I die I’m coming back as a butterfly.” She was raised in one of the most pre-eminent black families in the South. Since 1975, Betsch made it her full-time mission to preserve and protect American Beach, her […]

Spotlight on Ethan Carney

By Humanadmin

Learn more about Ethan Carney who will be leading a making session using reclaimed and recycled materials at the Human Aquarium Exhibition in Leeds 2019

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas

By Humanadmin

Meet one of the Giants of the animal of mystery and of whom we know almost nothing!