love the oceans Archives - Human Aquarium

Love the Oceans

By Humanadmin


Love the Oceans is a non-profit marine conservation organisation working in Guinjata Bay, Mozambique since 2014. Guinjata Bay, whilst home to a huge host of marine life, has never been studied in depth for any prolonged amount of time. Love The Oceans hopes to protect and study the diverse marine life found here, including many species of sharks, rays and the famous humpback whales. We use research, education and diving to drive action towards a more sustainable future. Our ultimate goal is to establish a Marine Protected Area for the Inhambane Province in Mozambique, achieving higher biodiversity whilst protecting endangered species.

We did a pilot study in 2016 on the humpback whales in Guinjata Bay and in 2017 rolled out our methodology for collecting data on visual behavioural cues, associated surface behaviour, as well as frequency data. With this data we’re hoping to work out why the humpbacks make certain sounds, as well as prove that the frequency of sightings is enough to make this a viable ecotourism driver which could provide a significant amount of income from a renewable resource for the local community.

We offer a cutting edge, ethically sound, volunteer program that gives individuals the chance to work along side our marine biologists and the local community, helping with conservation, through research, education and diving over a 2 – 6 week period.

Love the Ocean Uk
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