Marjora Carter started work in her neighbourhood and is now a leader in the world of sustainable business
If you’re looking for inspiration on things you can do that are good for you and the environment, you’ve come to the right place. Hubbub are a charity that create environmental campaigns with a difference. They design positive and playful campaigns that inspire people to make healthier, greener lifestyle choices, which more often than not […]
Three films about plastic and our oceans: Plasticised, Life Cycle of Plastic Bottle and Plastic Tide.
Meet one of the Giants of the Ocean..an animal of mystery and of whom we know almost nothing!
No Lords a Leaping but another kind of beautiful dancer… The octopus is a mollusc that has 3 hearts, 8 arms, and can open a child proof pill bottle ( that still causes me some problems). The octopus also has the incredible ability to change the colour of its entire body in just three-tenths of […]
More about Cetaceans… First a photographer who dives with orcas.Then an animation explaining how intelligent dolphins are.