surfers against sewage Archives - Human Aquarium

Forging Ahead in Recycling

By Humanadmin

A huge thank you to Forge recycling who sponsored our launch and came down to tell people all about recycling. here is more about their brilliant coffee cup recycling scheme…


By Humanadmin

If you’re looking for inspiration on things you can do that are good for you and the environment, you’ve come to the right place. Hubbub are a charity that create environmental campaigns with a difference. They design positive and  playful campaigns that inspire people to make healthier, greener lifestyle choices, which more often than not […]

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas

By Humanadmin

Meet one of the Giants of the animal of mystery and of whom we know almost nothing!

On the Tenth Day of Christmas….

By Humanadmin

No Lords a Leaping but another kind of beautiful dancer… The octopus is a mollusc that has 3 hearts, 8 arms, and can open a child proof pill bottle ( that still causes me some problems). The octopus also has the incredible ability to change the colour of its entire body in just three-tenths of […]

On the Eighth Day of Christmas…

By Humanadmin

On the first day of the New Year, we are thinking about new beginnings… Rebuilding a coral reef that can survive climate change…

On the Seventh day of Christmas…

By Humanadmin

Seven videos about Dolphins and the mysteries deep ‘under the sea’

On the Third day – Meet Pickle and Morgan

By Humanadmin

Here is the story of Pickle from New Zealand, a young risk taker, with a distinctive dorsal fin, from this TEDx Talk by Ingrid Visser.

On the first day of Christmas…

By Humanadmin

We have put together a range of films to bring you joy and contemplation over the festive season. How about this for starters…a magical moment swimming with these Orca whales! Lucy, who conceived of Human Aquarium Project, actually had the brilliant opportunity of swimming with wild dolphins in her trip to Australia, but more about […]

Behind the Scenes – The Human Aquarium on Location at Bramley Baths

By Humanadmin

Here is our second behind the scenes films by Paul Whitely. We had a brilliant time doing this at Bramley Baths. The Human Aquarium Project is putting mermaids in the place of Dolphins and Orcas to raise awareness about the treatment of cetaceans and our oceans. We even managed a mermaid back flip near the […]

Zero-Waste Solutions: Buying Products Package-Free!

By Humanadmin

1. The JarTree: A zero-waste store arrives in Leeds! Zero-waste shops have been popping up with increasing frequency all over the UK. The idea is that you can buy products package-free and you only have to buy what you need, therefore in theory nothing has to go to landfill! You simply bring your reusable container, […]