Inequality Archives - Human Aquarium

STEAM ing ahead| Meet Stephanie Robinson

By Humanadmin

two women with a robot

Stephanie Robinson uses STEAM to empower young people. Written by Zoe Parker You may not know this, but STEAM. is an an acronym for: Science, Technology, Art, Engineering and Maths activities. Steph uses it to have conversations with young people. She is interested in the ways we can transition to a more equitable and lower-carbon society.  […]

Spotlight on Marjora Carter

By Humanadmin

Marjora Carter started work in her neighbourhood and is now a leader in the world of sustainable business

Spotlight on Enrique Penlarosa…

By Humanadmin

Excerpt from Project to Public Spaces article. Enrique Penalosa public official, economist, and administrator, Enrique Peñalosa completed his three-year term as Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia on December 31, 2000. While mayor, Peñalosa was responsible for numerous and radical improvements to the city and its citizens. He promoted a city model giving priority to children and […]